いぬびと 〜犬と暮らす人たち〜 #11 Annieさん前編


いぬびとは、犬と暮らす人たちの個性あふれる日常のヒトコマを紹介します。犬と暮らす家族の数だけ、犬と人の暮らし方があります。でもそんな皆さんに共通することは、犬が大好きな人たちの日常は犬たちへの愛で溢れているということ。犬好きによる 犬好きのための 犬愛溢れるインタビュー。第11回は、スウェーデンでChappie(10ヶ月)と暮らすいぬびとAnnieさんをご紹介します。ヨーロッパの中でも福祉大国として有名なスウェーデンは、動物に関しても福祉と愛護の考え方は世界有数です。「犬は良好な環境で自然な行動を行う事ができるようにしなければならない」という犬目線で作られた理念が文化となって浸透しています。

Annie:「私はアニーです。 台湾出身の私は、東京の大学院で学び働いている時に同じく日本で勉強していたスウェーデン人のパートナーに会い、その後ふたりでスウェーデンへ移住しました。 現在ストックホルムに3年間住んでいて愛犬のChappieは生後10か月です。」


Annie:「全体的にとても良い経験でした。 私は犬が大好きで、特にシニア犬の世話は本当に気持ちがあたたかくなりました。 犬の数に対して施設が少し小さすぎる気がしましたが、東京のような混雑した街では十分なスペースを見つけるのは実際難しいと思います。」

I am Annie. I originally from Taiwan, I have studied my master and worked in Tokyo before moving to Sweden. I met my partner who is a Swede while we both studied in Japan. Now I have been living in Stockholm for 3 years and my dog Chappie is 10 months old.

It was a good experience overall. I love dogs and it felt really good to look after the senior dogs. I did feel like the facility was a little bit too small for the amount of dogs they had but I understand it is difficult to find enough space in a crowded city like Tokyo.

クレートは犬の訓練のために適切なツールになる可能性がありますが、スウェーデンでは、犬はドアを閉めたクレートに入れておくことができません。 例外は次の通りです。(ショー、競技会、試験、狩猟(最大8時間)、輸送中(停止中の車両で3時間以上クレートすることはできません))。

When getting a puppy, the puppies must be at least 8 weeks old. You are not allowed to separate the puppies from the dog mother until they are 8 weeks old.
Your dog should be allowed to go outside at least every 6 hours. If you keep it indoors, it must have a view of a window allowing sunlight.
Although in other countries, crating can be a positive and appropriate tool for dog training.
In Sweden, the dog may not ever be kept in a crate with a closed door. Exceptions are: shows, competitions, exams, hunting (up to 8 hours), during transportations (may not be crated for more than 3 hours in a standstill vehicle).
You are responsible for what your dog does when it is in a public place.

Annie:「スウェーデン人はペットをとても大切にし、家族の一員として暮らします。 犬と人の平等感が非常に強く、犬のニーズを中心にスケジュールを組むことができます。一部の企業では、勤務時に犬をオフィスに連れて行くこともできます。 また、犬をデイケアセンターに預けることや、ペットシッターを雇うことも一般的です。」

Swedes are very close to their pets, treating them as valued family members. The sense of equality is very strong and their schedule can be centered around the dog’s needs.
Some companies let their workers bring their dogs to the office. You can also leave your pet in a dog day-care center or hire a pet sitter.

Annie:「スウェーデンでは、犬を手放す人々や何らかの形で虐待している人々を本当に嫌います。 誰かが犬を虐待したり、攻撃的になりすぎている様子を見た場合、”それが犬を育てる正しい方法ではないこと”を飼い主に知らせます。

In Sweden, people really dislike people who are are giving up their dogs or mistreat them in any way. If someone sees you abuse or even act too aggressive against your dog, people around you will let you know that’s not the correct way to raise a dog.
There are not many stray or rescue dogs in Sweden thanks to strict legislation. However, if people want to foster or adopt dogs, there are organizations that take homeless dogs from other countries (mainly from Ireland, Romania, Greece, Spain etc), import them and rehome them. However, there are not that many rescue dogs from overseas at the moment due to transport limitation from Covid 19.

保険会社とケネルクラブ(Sweden Kennel Club:SKK)が犬に関わるすべての情報を発信し、必要な支援を提供します。SKKの公式ウェブページには、すべての犬種(犬種固有の指示、行動や性格など)、犬種、犬を飼うときに準備するもの、規制などに関するあらゆる種類の情報があります。

The government itself does not really provide any action support when you are buying a dog. Insurance companies and Kennel clubs/unions usually provide all the information and help you need.
As mentioned SKK is a union for dogs, the SKK official webpage has all kinds of information on all breeds (the breed specific instructions, behavior and personality etc.), Breeders, what to prepare when having a dog, and regulations, etc.
There are also insurances just for dogs, and those insurance companies put out instructions and videos on information on how to raise and take care of dogs.


In Sweden the veterinarian marks the dog with an ID Micro chip, that is then sent to the owner register which is owned by the Sweden Kennel Club (SKK). Usually the breeder will pay for the first vet. check as well as ID marking, that is then included in the buying price. There are no taxes or extra expenses for owning a dog.


Försäljning av djur(WEB)

In Sweden, If you stumble upon a stray dog or cat that does not have a ID marking on it, finding the owner might be problematic. In that case you should contact either the county or the police and leave the matter to them. The Police will first take care of the stray dog while trying to locate the owner. If no owner can be found the dog will be taken care of the County. The county will then sell the dog through their website. They will go through background checks on the potential buyer to make sure it will be a good home for the dog.
For example this is the website of Stockholm county, there is currently no animals for sale.



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