いぬびとは、犬と暮らす人たちの個性あふれる日常のヒトコマを紹介します。犬と暮らす家族の数だけ、犬と人の暮らし方があります。でもそんな皆さんに共通することは、犬が大好きな人たちの日常は犬たちへの愛で溢れているということ。犬好きによる 犬好きのための 犬愛溢れるインタビュー。第11回は、スウェーデンでChappie(10ヶ月)と暮らすいぬびとAnnieさんをご紹介します。ヨーロッパの中でも福祉大国として有名なスウェーデンは、動物に関しても福祉と愛護の考え方は世界有数です。「犬は良好な環境で自然な行動を行う事ができるようにしなければならない」という犬目線で作られた理念が文化となって浸透しています。
スウェーデンのすべてのブリーダーは、SKK(Sweden Kennel Club)に登録する必要があり、ブリーダーの元で新たに生まれた仔犬もSKKに登録する必要があります。そのため犬を飼育したいと考えた時、それが登録簿に基づいて良いそして信頼できるブリーダーであるかどうかを詳しく知ることができました。
SKKはスウェーデン全土の非営利クラブの組合であり、犬の問題に関する考慮事項として紹介されています。SKKのすべてのメンバーは、 ケネルクラブの基本規則と動物保護法に従う必要があります。これは、犬の繁殖と飼育、および犬の販売、輸送、譲渡に適用されます。
追記:SKK(Sweden Kennel Club:Svenska Kennel Klubben)とは?
Yes, there are lots of good breeders in Sweden. Every breeder in Sweden has to register to SKK (Sweden Kennel Club) and when the breeders have new puppies, they also need to register each puppy to SKK. Therefore, when people are getting a dog, they could know if it is a good and trustworthy breeder based on the register.
SKK is a union of non-profit clubs all over Sweden and is referred to for considerations in dog matters. Every member of the SKK needs to follow the basic rules of the kennel club as well as the animal protection laws. That applies to: breeding & raising ethics as well as sales, delivery and transfer of dogs.
Each breed also has its own club (for example wire hair fox terrier kennel club). The club not only is a community for people who have the breed, but also for people who are interested in having the breed and they can recommend some good breeders (that is how we got Chappie). In Sweden, there is no pet shop that is selling dogs, so you need to contact the kennel(breeder) and ask if they are expecting puppies.
In general it is pretty much the same as everywhere else – preparing toys, bed, insurance, vaccines etc. as well as making your apartment/house puppy-safe.
アパートを購入した場合は、いつでもそこで犬を飼うことができます。アパートを借りる場合は、どのタイプの賃貸物件かによって少し異なります。スウェーデンでは、”ファーストハンド契約” と ”セカンドハンド契約” というものがあります。ファーストハンド契約とは、代理店を通してアパートを借りる場合で、通常はペットを飼っても問題ありません。
Generally it is allowed to have pets in most apartments in Sweden. Size of the dog or the number of dogs does not really matter. But enough space is important for the dog’s health, so having a big dog or many dogs in a smaller apartment probably is not optimal. When you have bought an apartment you can always have a dog there. When you rent an apartment it is a little bit different depending on which type of rental you have.
In Sweden we have what we call First hand contracts and Second hand contracts. The first hand contract is when you rent the apartment through an agency, then it is usually ok to have pets.
Second hand contract is when you rent the apartment from a private person for a 2 year period, then it is usually not allowed to have pets but it depends on the person you are renting from.
If someone has to give away their dog, they usually look for someone suitable like a friend or family member. After that they go to the swedish dog register website (owned by SKK) and register the owner exchange.
At first, I was thinking of adopting a rescue dog, but it is generally recommended that you have kids over 14 years old when you adopt. I do not have kids right now, but it is something I am planning to get.
The kennels (breeders) here in Sweden have a very high standard so we decided to get a puppy directly from them. People in Sweden generally like bigger breeds but considering that my family dog is a Schnauzer and our apartment is small we wanted to get a smaller breed. We read that Fox Terriers are very good with small kids and that is how we decided to get a Fox terrier. We looked at the Fox terrier kennel club and got recommended a certain kennel down in the south of Sweden.
We drove 7 hours to pick him up, 7 hours to bring him home.
The most important thing for me is bonding with him through play, cuddle, activities and other tasks that stimulate mental health.
It is not a specific moment, it is more of an everyday moment that comes to mind. Since Chappie was a small puppy we have had a bed for him that he sleeps in. We even made it into a rule that he is not allowed to sleep in our bed. Nevertheless, every day early in the morning, Chappie jumps up in our bed and sleeps with us until we wake up. It has become one of the best moments of our day!
Unconditional love
いぬびとは、犬と暮らす人たちの個性あふれる日常のヒトコマを紹介します。犬と暮らす家族の数だけ、犬と人の暮らし方があります。でもそんな皆さんに共通することは、犬が大好きな人たちの日常は犬たちへの愛で溢れているということ。犬好きによる 犬好き[…]